We help your child reach independence
in their day-to-day skills.
Special Services offered by the Occupational Therapists at Playworks:
Co-treatments with speech therapists
Floortime Therapy
“How Does Your Engine Run?” Alert Program
Zones of Regulation
Interactive Metronome®
SOS Approach to Feeding©
Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention
Therapeutic Listening®
Social skills training/groups
Handwriting Without Tears©
The Print Tool
Independent educational evaluations for local school systems
Custom home programs
Additional Trainings completed by the Occupational Therapists at Playworks include:
Level I Intensive Mentorship with Sensory Processing Disorder Foundation (Lucy Miller, PhD, OTR)
Virginia Certificate of Early Intervention, Virginia Commonwealth University
Neurodevelopmental Training for Infant
Assistive Technology Specialist Certification
Playworks Speech & Occupational Therapy provides informal evaluations, standardized assessments, and ongoing therapy in a clinical setting.
Our Occupational Therapists provide treatment through functional activity and play so children can thrive in their environments. We are trained in the Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) approach to Feeding. Our OTs treat children with a variety of disorders, including: Fine Motor problems, Motor Planning Disorders, Sensory Processing Disorders, Sensory Integration Disorders, Difficulty with Handwriting, Low tone, and Genetic Disorders (e.g., Down Syndrome, Angelman Syndrome, Prader-Willi) . All of our OTs are trained to treat children in Early Intervention and School-based settings.
Playworks is unique among therapy companies, offering an individualized hybrid model of in-person and virtual therapy services.